Just Thoughts, Adventures, Work x5 Amanda Marie aka this millennial Just Thoughts, Adventures, Work x5 Amanda Marie aka this millennial

My Visit to The World's Only Corn Palace

The World’s Only Corn Palace is a spectacle for pretty much anyone driving along I-90 in South Dakota. It’s a short 10 minute trip off the highway, there are guaranteed to be bathrooms, there is a Tesla supercharging station (huzzah!), and it’s been written about and documented enough that you know its an actual legit place and not some place where serial killers wait out for the lone tourist to arrive.

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Just Thoughts, Adventures Amanda Marie aka this millennial Just Thoughts, Adventures Amanda Marie aka this millennial

Sometimes I’m Just a Hater (When Traveling)

After a long day of traveling and being uncomfortable and not getting enough sleep I have very few fucks left to give until I’m finally in the place I’m trying to get to. It doesn’t matter how awe-inspiring and unique these places are, or how excited I am to get to my final destination. Eventually, I just hit a wall.

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Just Thoughts, Adventures Amanda Marie aka this millennial Just Thoughts, Adventures Amanda Marie aka this millennial

And So it Begins

My US road trip Covid-edition 2020 from New York to California officially began at 6:15am today! The real plan was to leave at 5:30am to miss all the city traffic but you know what they say about best laid plans and all that…

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