Work x5 Amanda Marie aka this millennial Work x5 Amanda Marie aka this millennial

The Future of Cannabis and Cryptocurrency

Cannabis has a banking problem. Without federal legalization, many banks and financial partners are just plain afraid to play in the cannabis space for fear of the regulatory hammer. There are a number of reasons why cryptocurrency might be an answer to the cannabis industry’s banking problem.

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Life, Vino Tales, Work x5 Amanda Marie aka this millennial Life, Vino Tales, Work x5 Amanda Marie aka this millennial

That Consulting High...

I know why people like consulting - it’s like a high of another level. Which honestly thinking about it now it makes sense why it’s filled with a bunch of bros and over-opinionated people and loud people with no filters and oversharers and perfectionists…

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Just Thoughts, Adventures, Work x5 Amanda Marie aka this millennial Just Thoughts, Adventures, Work x5 Amanda Marie aka this millennial

My Visit to The World's Only Corn Palace

The World’s Only Corn Palace is a spectacle for pretty much anyone driving along I-90 in South Dakota. It’s a short 10 minute trip off the highway, there are guaranteed to be bathrooms, there is a Tesla supercharging station (huzzah!), and it’s been written about and documented enough that you know its an actual legit place and not some place where serial killers wait out for the lone tourist to arrive.

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Just Thoughts, Work x5 Amanda Marie aka this millennial Just Thoughts, Work x5 Amanda Marie aka this millennial

Marketing Hit then Miss: The OG Wine in a Can

A few years ago, Union Wine Co was the first on the scene with their line of Underwood cans. It had a slow start. People were skeptical, consumers were rather confused, and shop owners had no idea how to highlight such a product on the shelf. "In what world could wine taste good out of a can?" they thought.

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